I’d like to take this time to thank our members as we confront the challenge of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Your service and sacrifice is noted and stands as a reminder of our proud service as Troopers. The Pennsylvania State Police has a long and storied history in the Commonwealth. Your professional conduct, service and sacrifice stand as testament to those who’ve gone before us. Those men and women forged a proud tradition that you carry on today.
I call attention to those retirees that may be in need of our assistance at this time. I ask that the Board of Directors, individual Lodges and all the Lodge officers make every effort to reach out to our retired Brothers and Sisters. Something as simple as a brief phone call could make a world of difference. Please take this time to offer ourselves to be of service to those that may need our assistance. It may be as simple as a trip to a grocery store or assistance in getting a prescription filled. Together we will succeed.
We are rightly proud of our service and dedication to duty. Now is the time to reflect and assist those Troopers that may be in need. Please take the time to pass this along.
Thank you for your service and please watch out for one and other.
David Kennedy